Snail Festival in Spain

Have you ever been to a festival dedicated to eating snails?

Foodie lovers can visit one of the many Snail festivals across Europe, or as French say it ‘Escargot’ festivals. It is truly a gastronomic experience one should definitely put on their bucket list. For some cultures eating snails is a regular thing of an everyday life, for others it’s more of an exotic experience. If there is no festival near where you live, then why not book a holiday in a nearby location at the time when the festival is happening. This way you can enjoy your holiday and have an activity planned for a day, surely one your taste buds will be grateful for.

One of the most known festivals happens every year in the city of Lleida, Spain. A three day Snail festival from 31 May to 2 June attracted 200,000 visitors and they served 5,300 dishes of tasty escargots.

With plenty of food stalls, snail vendors, music, activities for children and delicious menus this is an event worth visiting. Be sure fun you put this on your list for next year – the snail festival Aplec del Caragol in Lleida is scheduled to take place from 22 – 24 May 2020.

Snail festivals are also a great opportunity for snail business owners, who can sell their produce or come to the event to promote their business, network with others in the industry and find inspiration for new ideas

If you would like to start a snail farming business please read more about it in the Guide to Snail Farming.

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